作者:天永实业Cleo连小姐 日期:2023-12-05 浏览:
1. 公证/认证:
- 将分销协议书提交给中国的公证处/贸促会,申请进行公证/认证。
- 公证处/贸促会将核实文件的真实性,并出具公证书/商事证明书,将原文件和公证书装订在一起。
2. 外交部认证:
- 将已公证/认证的商业协议书提交给中国外交部或其指定的地方外办进行认证。
- 这一环节是为了证实公证处/贸促会的公证/认证行为是合法有效的。
3. 阿联酋驻华使馆认证:
- 将已经经过公证/认证和中国外交部认证的文件送到阿联酋驻中国大使馆或领事馆进行最终认证。
- 使馆可能会要求提供其他相关文件或信息,如申请表、营业执照复印件、委托书等。
- 使馆工作人员将审查文件并在文件背面加盖使馆认证章。
1. 双方基本信息:分销协议书应包含双方当事人的名称、地址、联系方式等基本信息。
1. Basic information of both parties: The distribution agreement should include basic information such as the names, addresses, and contact information of both parties.
2. 产品描述:分销协议书中应详细描述协议产品的名称、规格、型号、数量等信息。
2. Product Description: The distribution agreement should provide a detailed description of the name, specifications, model, quantity, and other information of the agreed products.
3. 销售区域和权限:分销协议书应明确分销商的销售区域和权限,确保分销商在规定的区域内独家销售产品。
3. Sales area and authority: The distribution agreement should specify the sales area and authority of the distributor, ensuring that the distributor exclusively sells products within the specified area.
4. 价格和付款:分销协议书应规定产品的销售价格、付款方式及支付期限。
4. Price and Payment: The distribution agreement should specify the sales price, payment method, and payment term of the product.
5. 销售促销和广告:分销协议书应明确分销商在销售过程中可以采取的促销方式和广告策略,以及相关费用承担。
5. Sales promotion and advertising: The distribution agreement should specify the promotional methods and advertising strategies that the distributor can adopt during the sales process, as well as the related expenses to be borne.
6. 售后服务:分销协议书应规定生产商或供应商在售后服务方面的责任和义务,包括产品质量问题、退换货政策等。
6. After sales service: The distribution agreement should specify the responsibilities and obligations of the manufacturer or supplier in terms of after-sales service, including product quality issues, return and exchange policies, etc.
7. 违约责任:分销协议书应明确双方在违反协议时的违约责任,包括赔偿金额、赔偿方式等。
7. Liability for breach of contract: The distribution agreement should specify the breach of contract responsibilities of both parties in case of breach of the agreement, including compensation amount, compensation method, etc.
8. 争议解决:分销协议书应规定双方在履行过程中发生争议时的解决方式,如协商、调解、仲裁或诉讼等。
8. Dispute Resolution: The distribution agreement should specify the methods for resolving disputes that arise between the two parties during the performance process, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.
9. 合同期限:分销协议书应明确合同的有效期限,以及合同期满后的续约事宜。
9. Contract term: The distribution agreement should specify the validity period of the contract and the renewal matters after the contract expires.
10. 终止和解除:分销协议书应规定合同的终止和解除条件,以及双方在合同终止或解除后的权利和义务。
10. Termination and Termination: The distribution agreement should specify the termination and termination conditions of the contract, as well as the rights and obligations of both parties after the termination or termination of the contract.
11. 签署:分销协议书应由双方当事人签字或盖章,以表示正式生效。
11. Signing: The distribution agreement should be signed or stamped by both parties to indicate formal effectiveness.